We went to the park today!! Woo hoo!

It was a little chilly this morning but it started to warm up so I put Hayden in shorts and a light sweatshirt, plus her super cute boots!
My sisters all had eye appointments so Hayden and I were alone for the afternoon.
We decided to walk a few blocks to the park to play and have a snack (crackers and juice).

Hayden fell asleep on the way home and napped for almost TWO HOURS! This child NEVER naps. Lol.
But when she woke up...omg. She was a child from Hell. Yes, I said it....
She was screaming, crying, slapping, and scratching. And the worst part was she wouldn't calm down enough to tell me what was wrong. I ended up nursing her back to sleep after a long fight to get her to latch. She slept for another 45 minutes and then woke up with a smile on her face like nothing happened. Toddlers....

This just makes me so excited for the terrible twos. Lol NOT!
We ended our day with some delicious bacon-wrapped shrimp and sweet potatoes. The kiddos had chicken nuggets & apple sauce. Then for desert we had ROOT BEER FLOATS!!!! Yummmmmy.
Good night, y'all!

Love, Crystal.
& Remember, let 'em get dirty!!

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